The New Guy

  A few days ago I was browsing my Facebook news feed and came across a listing for a Polish rooster. His mate had died after being attacked by a hawk, and he was being picked on by the other chickens being alone and of a different breed. It seemed as though nobody was close enough to his owner to pick him up, and I did tag a rescue trying to find him a home. After talking it over, we decided to get him ourselves. Being myself, I estimated the time to go pick him up as being about an hour, when it was more like two! We took the scenic route, and before we knew it, we were pulling up to bring him home. He was sleeping when we picked him up, but immediately awoke and had a friendly disposition. We admired the coop and chickens at his former home, and even got a show of watching his owner fight with a stubborn cow. They were very nice and even gave us a few Welsummer eggs along with the Polish. Darkness set as we made it home, and he was put in the henhouse where we had previously separated out our rooster to avoid any altercations. The top of his poor head was already bald from his coop mates pulling them out! I worried that he would be out of sorts this morning, after an evening trip and waking up in an unfamiliar coop, but he was up bright and early chasing the hens and crowing up a storm. My mother said he should be called Pepe Le Pew, due to his vain appearance, and how the hens run from him as he tries to share his new found affection.
  I hope that he will continue to adjust well, and when the red pullets are old enough to be outside with a rooster, we plan to introduce them to him and let Chuck Norris (the other rooster, but that's another story) visit back with his girlfriends. Meanwhile I just enjoy looking at him! I've never seen a Polish in person before now, and as handsome as he is, he isn't even quite a year, so his tail will continue to span out as he grows.


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